6 Aralık 2020 Pazar

 Shining Tools e-twinning project

One of the negative situations created by the Covid 19 process is the need for technological and digital competencies for both our teachers and students. We have planned this digital-based education project to fulfill this need and to minimize the effects of adverse conditions. During the project activities, practical activities will be carried out with a Web 2.0 tool every month and support will be provided for online education.

1 yorum:

  1. Hello everyone from Istanbul. My name is Özlem. I am a Technology and Design course teacher. I work at Martyr Ambassador Galip Balkar Secondary School in Beylikdüzü district. I am happy to be in a good project. I hope healthy days are near for both us and our students.


Özlem LEBLEBİCİ Şehit Büyükelçi Galip Balkar Ortaokulu

Beylikdüzü İlçe Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü eTwinning Proje Yaygınlaştırma Sergisi 2021