11 Mayıs 2021 Salı

Adife Demirtaş, Arpaçbahşiş Yardımcılar Ortaokulu - StoryJumper Activities

Book titled 'BOOK 2OUR MEDIA LITERACY AND DISINFORMATON STORY BOOK'Read this book made on StoryJumper

Firstly, we have created a class and had practices with StoryJumper. Then we created a collaborative pictionary book for unit 10 "Festivals".  In second part, we have contributed to our team book for Book 2

Özlem LEBLEBİCİ Şehit Büyükelçi Galip Balkar Ortaokulu

Beylikdüzü İlçe Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü eTwinning Proje Yaygınlaştırma Sergisi 2021